
13645. Does Greece Have ADHD?

Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a neurodevelopmental disorder.
Some of the observed symptoms of ADHD predominantly inattentive are:
• Often making careless mistakes when having to work on uninteresting or difficult projects.
• Often having difficulty keeping attention during work, or holding down a job for a significant amount of time.
• Often having difficulty concentrating on conversations.
• Having trouble finishing projects that have already been started.
• Often having difficulty organizing for the completion of tasks.
• Avoiding or delaying in starting projects that require a lot of thought.
• Often misplacing or having difficulty finding things at home or at work.
• Disorganized personal items (sometimes old and useless to the individual) causing excessive "clutter" (in the home, car, etc).
• Often distracted by activity or noise.
• Often having problems remembering appointments or obligations, or inconveniently changing plans on a regular basis.
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